Short descriptions and photographs of some photogenic microorganisms.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Entamoeba coli:
Enatamoeba coli is an amoeba which inhabits the human gut. It is considered to be an non-pathogenic commensal organism which along with thousands of other types of organisms makes up the normal gut flora. In the laboratory care must be taken in distinguishing the non-pathogenic Entamoeba coli from the pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica. Entamoeba can exhibit two forms, the trophozoite (troph) shown here and a cyst form which can exhibit up to 8 nuclei.
Treatment is not necessary but presence of this organism in a stool sample may indicate that a person has been exposed to a contaminated source bearing faecal matter and further investigation may be warranted.
The photomicrograph above is of an Entamoeba coli trophozoite in a concentrated faecal specimen stained by the Iron Haematoxylin method. A coarse cytoplasm is seen and the cell has a nucleus with dense unevenly distributed nuclear chromatin at it’s periphery and a central nucleolus. x1000.
Born in Ontario Canada of Latvian parents, educated at The University of Western Ontario, (UWO)-London, Ontario
Met my wonderful American wife (Boston area) on a 1971 school trip to Quebec City.
Own registered company 'ThunderHouse Instruments' where I attempt to keep out of trouble making musical instruments, primarily Bass Guitars.
A retired Medical Laboratory Technologist. Have worked in several Ontario hospitals. Involved in some Medical research with published papers.
The information and photographs presented here were compiled for my own entertainment and should not be used as an absolute reference for medical and/or diagnostic purposes. Although I strive to ensure all information is accurate some errors or differences of interpretation may occur. Any errors mine alone. Fine text books, peer reviewed scientific papers and other internet references are available for detailed descriptions and analysis.
My intent here was simply to share some of the pretty pictures I've taken over the years.There is artistry and beauty in all of these organisms!
An Apology
My apology for the lame title of this Blog. My wife suggested I try 'Blogging' to pass the time while recuperating from a major illness. This entire endeavor started somewhat as a joke, my never intending to do much more. Put on the spot, I typed in "Fun With Microbiology - What's Buggin' You?" I now wish I could have thought of something clever and a bit more dignified.
Somehow it all got away from me and I find myself enslaved to the site, trying to find more and more interesting "photogenic" organisms to document.
Another apology appears elsewhere in this blog, however it is worth reiterating here. I apologize for the disproportional amount of fungal posts as this site should be about 'Microbiology'. As I had no original writing to contribute, I chose to share some photos which I had taken. While I would wish to have a somewhat equal balance of bacterial, mycobacterial & parasite posts, the majority of photogenic organisms that come my way are fungal.
I hope this blog site has evolved into a collection of photo-essays on organisms covered in a bit more detail than found at other sites or in most textbooks. I was always disappointed in the single photo depicting an organism as found in most textbooks. Microorganisms are fascinating creatures which exhibit diversity and cannot be summed up in a few short paragraphs or depicted with a single black & white photo tucked into the bottom corner of a page.
Microorganism are quite clever too - they have managed to evade our best efforts in being controlled for long or to be eradicated. As my prof once said "Microorganisms don't read textbooks so they don't know how they should behave."
Hope you enjoy the photos shared here at "Fun With Microbiology - What's Buggin' You?" Y.
Blogger's text editor has at times refused to accept the symbol μm for micron (Greek lower case letter for mu) when pasted directly from my Microsoft Word Program. Blogger's text editor converts my μm into mm (1000X larger). I have tried to catch and correct this wherever it occurs but the reader must be aware of the scale of structures described and apply the dimension intended. 1 μm = 1 Millionth of a Meter
Note on Agar Media Used
As a community hospital, we stocked only the most basic of mycological media.
The majority of plate photos are taken of cultures on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar which in our lab we refer to as SAB for short. Others my condense this to SDA. Please be aware that in this blog they refer to one and the same media. I apologize for any confusion.
Some photos may be from Mycosel™ of Dermasil™ selective agars while others may be from the nutritionally minimal Corn Meal Agar (CMA). The agar used will be stated when appropriate.
I would have liked to have used Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) in some situations.
All Micro photographs displayed on this blog were taken by myself except if noted otherwise.
Please visit ‘Microbiology In Pictures’, a wonderful site created by Hans N. where you may be able to locate “Some pictures you may have been looking for but couldn't find...”
College Of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario (Click To Redirect)
Canadian Society For Medical Laboratory Science
Mitchener Institute
Mitchener Institue
Ontario Society of Medical Technologists
Health Canada
Center for Disease Control (Canada)
Canadian Society of Microbiologists
Center For Disease Control (U.S.A.)
Colorodo Association for Continuing Medical Laboratory Education
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Wadsworth -New York State Dept. of Health
Mycology Critiques - Click to Redirect
University of Adelaide
Mycology Online -Click to Redirect
Mycology Online
An excellent Mycology site created by the University of Adelaide in Australia. They have a fantastic Glossary of Mycological Terms which can be accessed by clicking here.
Mount Sinai Mycology
Exellent Mycology Site from my colleauges at Mount Sinai (Click to Redirect)
University of Western Ontario
Fungal Reference Books
Below is a list of fungal reference books I found of help in preparing this blog. Many other fine texts books and reference materials are available and the reader should decide what suits their own needs. For ease of locating these books or further information about them, I have added links to Amazon. I have no personal connection with Amazon and these books can no doubt be obtained through other sellers or their publishers. Note: Some prices through secondary sources are outrageous. Try the original publisher first and science libraries may carry these publications also.
New: Color Atlas of Mycology
Click to redirect to Amazon
NEW: Color Atlas of Mycology
A wonderful new publication entitled 'Color Atlas of Mycology' by Dr. Gordon L. Love and Dr. Julie A. Ribes has been published through the Collage of American Pathologists (CAP).
Dr. Love contacted me about a year ago requesting the use of some of the photographs which appear in my blog. I was delighted to be able to share a few of my photos with an even larger audience.
Deanna A Sutton, B.S., MT, SM (ASCP), RM, SM (AAM)
Annette W. Fothergill, M.A., M.B.A., MT (ASCP), CLS (NCA)
Michael G. Rinaldi, PH.D.
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 edition (Sep 26 1997)
Baltimore, MD, USA
ISBN-10: 0683182749
ISBN-13: 978-0683182743
Atlas of Clinical Fungi -de Hoog
Click on Photo to Redirect to Amazon
Atlas of Clinical Fungi, 2nd edition.
G.S. de Hoog, J. Guarro, J.Gené & M.J. Figueras
Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures/Universitat Rovira I Virgili, 2000
Publisher: American Society Microbiology; 2 edition (Jan 21 2002)
ISBN-10: 9070351439
ISBN-13: 978-9070351434
Identifying Fungi - A Clinical Laboratory Handbook -St-Germain
Click on Photo To Redirect to Amazon
Identifying Fungi – A Clinical Laboratory Handbook
Guy St-Germain, B.S.. Laboratoire de Santé Publique du Québec, Canada
Richard Summerbell, PH.D., Ontario Ministry of Health, Canada
Publisher: Star Publishing Company (Belmont, CA) (Jan 1 1996)
ISBN-10: 0898631777
ISBN-13: 978-0898631777
Identification of Common Aspergillus Species - Klich
Click on Photo to Redirect to Amazon
Identification of Common Aspergillus Species, 1st edition, 2002
Maren A. Klich
United States Department of Agriculture,
Agricultural Research Service, Southern Regional Research Center
New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
ISBN 90-70351-46-3 Publisher: American Society Microbiology; 1 edition (Mar 1 2004)
ISBN-10: 9070351463
ISBN-13: 978-9070351465
Laboratory Handbook of Dermatophytes -Kane
Click on Photo to Redirect to Amazon
A Clinical Guide and Laboratory Manual of Dermatophytes and Other Filamentous Fungi from Skin, Hair, and Nails.
Julius Kane
Richard Summerbell
Lynne Sigler
Sigmund, Krajden
Geoffrey Land
Publisher: Star Pub Co (June 1997)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0898631572
ISBN-13: 978-0898631579
Pictorial Atlas Of Soil & Seed Fungi
Click On Photo To Redirect
Pictorial Atlas of Soil & Seed Fungi
The Pictorial Atlas of Soil & Seed Fungi (2nd Edition) Author: Tsuneo Watanabe While a more recent, 3rd Edition is available from CRC Press, the 506 page 2nd edition can still be downloaded free of charge as a PDF by clicking on the icon of the book above, or on the title immediately above.
While most of the fungi discussed in this blog are of clinical importance, some can be found in this publication.
Ash & Orihel’s Atlas of Human Parasitology
Click on Icon to redirct to Amazon
Ash & Orihel’s Atlas of Human Parasitology
An excellent, but rather expensive, reference book on Human Parasitology. Extensive photo gallery with short, concise text. Click on photo icon to redirect to Amazon.
Please Visit My Other Blogs
Tales From The Paddle - Short Stories based on my trips to the rivers of Northern Ontario, Canada (Click Icon To Redirect)
ThunderHouse Instruments - My workshop, where outside of the Microbiology Laboratory, I dabbled in making bass guitars amongst other instruments. (Click Icon To redirect)
Home, Sweet Home...
Contact Me - Mail
***Read First Below!!***
Contact Change
I had recently moved to a new City. I had some difficulty in keeping my long-established e-mail addresses but believe I have found a solution. I believe the contact link should work should someone need to contact me. My apologies in advance should you not be able to reach me. I am waiting for my current internet provider to offer a permanent solution.
Micro Mail
Okay, here it is. You can contact me via the icon above. I've reluctantly added it but may regret it. Call it an experiment.
I welcome any comments related to my posts, be it positive or constructive criticism. Please note that I probably will not respond to most comments as I barely have the time and energy to add new content to this blog. I absolutely will not offer to diagnose your ailment, be it that dry patch on your backside, that thingy you pulled out of your ear or that green stuff growing on the sides of your refrigerator! Please do not send me your photos for identification. I am not here to help you with your illness or your thesis! Finally, please realize, I am not a physician therefore I cannot offer medical advice.
New: I have not subscribed to the Linkedin service and if my profile appears there I am unaware of its origin. Please do not ask to be added to my non-existent Linkedin profile.
I freely share all my photographs on this blog site to all those who may find them interesting and useful. However, I do ask that you do not claim them as your own work, and give this site or myself credit when they are used publicly.
Nikon photographs are at 300 dpi while the DMD-108 defaults to 72 dpi which was ideal for web publishing. This resolution may be inadequate for print publishing however there is a web site entitled 'All About Digital Photos' which claims otherwise. Please keep this in mind if you request the use of my photos.
Please do let me know where and how you chose to use these photos as such feedback may assist me in deciding which posts to elaborate on or expand when I come across additional pertinent material.
A final note - I do not offer many sources or citations for the information offered in this blog. Most of the information can be found in commonly available textbooks, some of which I've listed in the sidebar above. More specific information can be found in peer reviewed papers & journals. I have tried to relay the content as accurately as possible, however, as the title of this blog implies, I do this for "fun". Have your own fun by conducting your own literature searches. Immerse yourself in microorganisms - you won't regret it!!