Saturday, 23 June 2012
Fusarium oxysporum
Fusarium oxysporum (Fungus)
Fusarium oxysporum has widespread
distribution and can be isolated from soil and plants and decaying vegetative
material (saprobe). It is a
phytopathogen (plant pathogen) of many species.
On Sabouraud-Dextrose (SAB) media (30oC) this
isolate of F.oxysporum grew rather
rapidly to produce of-white floccose (cottony) colonies with the aerial mycelia
becoming tinged in purple. The reverse
was a rather non-descript pale to yellow.
Other sources have described the reverse as having a purple colour,
particularly on Potato-Dextrose agar, a characteristic not seen on the isolate
presented here and grown on SAB.

Macroconidia (23-54 X 3.0 – 4.5 µm) are fusiform in shape
(hence the genus name), and have a slightly pointed apical tip with a basal
‘foot’ cell (pedicellate) at the opposite end.
The fusiform macroconidia are also somewhat curved making it appear
sickle-shaped or perhaps canoe-shaped in profile. They usually contain 3-5 compartments or
divisions within the macroconidium.
Smooth-walled terminal or intercalary chlamydospores (5 –
13 µm
dia.) may be found.
Fusarium oxysporum - First look at low power (X100 LPCB)
Fusarium oxysporum (X400 LPCB: DMD-108)
Fusarium oxysporum (X400 LPCB: Nikon)
Microconidia can be seen accumulating around the tips of the phialides (see below).
Fusarium oxysporum (same photo as above but cropped)
Arrows point to tips of phialides where microconidia are produced and accumulate
Fusarium oxysporum - Microconidia and a few Macroconidia (X100 LPCB: Nikon)
Fusarium oxysporum - again showing hyphae from which monophialides extend, producing microconidia at the tips which can accumulate there unless dispersed.
(X1000 LPCB (DMD-108)
Fusarium oxysporum - another view (as above) - Note micro bar at top of photo.
( X1000 LPCB: DMD-108)
Fusarium oxysporum - yet another view of two parallel hyphae from which the phialides extend producing micro (&/or macro) conidia. Conidia vary in shape from the rather straight fusiform (lens shaped) to the curved banana or canoe shape.
(X100 LPCB: DMD-108)
Fusarium oxysporum - microconidia accumulating at the tips of phialdes
(X1000 LPCB: DMD-108)
Fusarium oxysporum - microconidia in various stages of development (arrows) at the tips of the monophialides from which they are produced.
(X1000+10* LPCB: DMD-108)
Fusarium oxysporum - (yeah, I like photos) -again, microconidia accumulating around tips of phialides (X1000+10* LPCB: DMD-108)
Fusarium oxysporum - somewhat inflated (sides not parallel) phialides extending from hyphae where conida are produced (arrows). The one on left has separated from the tip of the phialide whild the one on the right is young and still developing.
(X1000+10* LPCB: DMD-108)
Fusarium oxysporum - micro & macro conidia accumulated along side of hyphae.
(X1000+10* LPCB: DMD-108)
Fusarium oxysporum - slightly curved micro & macro conidia pictured
(X1000+10* LPCB: DMD-108)
Fusarium oxysporum - chlamydospore present (arrow). Difficult to see from the orientation but I believe this was an intercalary chlamydospore (growing between the hyphae and not a terminal chlamydospore at the end of a hyphae.
(X1000+10* LPCB: DMD-108)
Fusarium species - Just for comparison of the shape. The photo on the left is of micro (and a few macro) conidia produced by Fusarium oxysporum while the one on the right is of microconidia produced by Fusarium dimerum. The F.dimerum is showing a greater curved "banana" or "canoe" shaped microconidia thatn the F.oxysporum. (Magnification not noted: Nikon for both)
Infections with Fusarium species (fusariosis) may be
localized or become disseminated. Fusarium species are frequent agents of
mycotic eye infections, particularly the cornea (keratomycosis, endopthalmitis). They have also been implicated in
onychomycosis (nail infections), catheter infections, peritonitis, sinusitis and
septic arthritis. As with many other
fungi immunocompromised and neutropenic patients may be at greater risk. Fusarium
may contaminate stored grain where some species can produce potent
mycotoxins. Food prepared from these contaminated
grains may cause illness on ingestion.
Fusarium species may also be found as laboratory contaminants but must
not be dismissed outright without further investigation.
Fusarium oxysporum
can be differentiated from F.solani
complex which produce thick, blunt macroconidia and long, narrow mono-phialides
as well as numerous rough-walled chlamydospores. The colonies, however, may appear brownish,
particularly on Potato-Dextrose agar F.oxysporum can be differentiated from F.verticillioides as this species has
candle-shaped mono-phialides as well as baton-shaped microconidia in chains
that are not easily disrupted. Colonies
however may appear purplish as those of F.oxysporum. F.proliferatum
also is similar in appearance however produces polyphialides (many phialides as
opposed to the single phialide in monophialides) from which delicate chains of
microconidia can extend. Macroconidia
are seldom seen in most F.verticilliodes
or F.proliferatum species unless
induced by special media or exposed to UV light.
*DMD-108 microscope/camera is capable of taking photos with 1000X optical magnification plus and additional 10% digital magnification.