Compare to Scopulariopsis brumptii.

Short descriptions and photographs of some photogenic microorganisms.
Ecology: A cosmopolitan fungus commonly isolated from soil.
Pathogenicity: Low pathogenicity for humans however reports of keratitis and pulmonary infections have been reported in immunocompromised patients. Commonly considered to be a contaminant. Some Beauveria species are recognized as important insect pathogens particularly as the agent of muscardine disease of the silkworm.
Macroscopic Appearance: Beauveria is a moderately rapid growing fungus. Texture has been described as floccose,velvety, powdery to cottony. The isolate I present below has the appearance of a dollop of shaving cream dispensed from pressurized can. The colour is generally a bone white which can take on a pale yellow tinge with age. The reverse is a non-descript pale colour.
Microscopic Appearance: Hyphae are rather narrow and septate. Conidiogenous cells may grow singly or aggregate in dense clusters along the hyphae. They appear inflated at the base then become thinner at the apex giving a flask-like appearance. At the terminus there is what most sources describe as a thin zigzag filament or extension which bears a conidium at each bend (sympodial geniculate growth). Conidia are single celled, hyaline, smooth walled, round to oval and about 2-4µm in diameter, each singly attached via a fine denticle.
Beauvaria species on SAB after 5 Days at 30oC
(My isolate looked like canned shaving cream)
Beauveria species, slide culture (LPCB X200 Nikon)
Beauveria species, slide culture (LPCB X400 Nikon)
Beauveria species, slide culture (LPCB X400 DMD-108)
(Many clusters of conidiodgenous cells)
Beauveria species, slide culture (LPCB X400 DMD-108)
Beauveria species (LPCB -oops, magnification not noted)
(Resolution at magnification not sufficient to show attachment of conidia)
Beauveria species (oops, magnification not noted)
Beauveria species - both individual conidiogenous cells and clusters seen
I will try to get a higher magnification photo of the conidiogenic cell bearing the conidia from the zigzag like apex. I seem to lose the resolution on the photos or they are so overgrown with conidia that the structure is obscured. Stay tuned...
Medically Important Fungi, 5th Edition–A Guide to Identification
Davise H. Larone MT (ASCP), PhD. F(AAM)
ASM Press, Washington DC
Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd; 2nd Revised edition (March 1987)
ISBN-10: 0444011188
ISBN-13: 978-0444011183
Guide to Clinically Significant Fungi
Deanna A Sutton, B.S., MT, SM (ASCP), RM, SM (AAM)
Annette W. Fothergill, M.A., M.B.A., MT (ASCP), CLS (NCA)
Michael G. Rinaldi, PH.D.
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 edition (Sep 26 1997)
Baltimore, MD, USA
ISBN-10: 0683182749
ISBN-13: 978-0683182743
Atlas of Clinical Fungi, 2nd edition.
G.S. de Hoog, J. Guarro, J.Gené & M.J. Figueras
Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures/Universitat Rovira I Virgili, 2000
Publisher: American Society Microbiology; 2 edition (Jan 21 2002)
ISBN-10: 9070351439
ISBN-13: 978-9070351434
Identifying Fungi – A Clinical Laboratory Handbook
Guy St-Germain, B.S.. Laboratoire de Santé Publique du Québec, Canada
Richard Summerbell, PH.D., Ontario Ministry of Health, Canada
Publisher: Star Publishing Company (Belmont, CA) (Jan 1 1996)
ISBN-10: 0898631777
ISBN-13: 978-0898631777
Identification of Common Aspergillus Species, 1st edition, 2002
Maren A. Klich
United States Department of Agriculture,
Agricultural Research Service, Southern Regional Research Center
New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
ISBN 90-70351-46-3 Publisher: American Society Microbiology; 1 edition (Mar 1 2004)
ISBN-10: 9070351463
ISBN-13: 978-9070351465
A Clinical Guide and Laboratory Manual of Dermatophytes and Other Filamentous Fungi from Skin, Hair, and Nails.
Julius Kane
Richard Summerbell
Lynne Sigler
Sigmund, Krajden
Geoffrey Land
Publisher: Star Pub Co (June 1997)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0898631572
ISBN-13: 978-0898631579