Aureobasidium pullans (Hyphomycetes)
–Black yeasts
Happy New Years, 2015 - Another post with far too many photos....
pullans’ preferred habitat is on the aerial portions of plants,
particularly the leaves. It may reside
there as a saprobe (lives on dead organic
matter) but may be a phytopathogen on susceptible species of plants. It is a cosmopolitan fungus (found just about everywhere) but
prefers temperate zones. It may be
isolated from humid indoor environments such as, foodstuffs, textiles, shower
curtains and soil. A.pullans may be found as a laboratory contaminant.
appears to be opportunistic, with systemic infection often the result of
traumatic implantation. It has been
implicated in peritonitis and pulmonary infections. It may rarely be the cause of keratitis or
cutaneous infections.
Macroscopic Morphology:
Most sources describe the rate of growth as “rapid”. Structures in the photographs below do
develop rapidly (3-5 days), however the colony itself expands at a moderate
rate. Initially the colony appears
white, cream or pinkish in colour but then adds shades of brown, grey and black
as it ages (due to the development of
chlamydoconidia). The colony may
have a white or slightly greyish fringe along the expanding edge. The texture is moist or creamy, glistening
under reflected light. The reverse is
pale in colour but becomes dark as the colony matures.
Aureobasidium pullans on SAB media after 3 weeks incubation at 30oC (Nikon)
Aureobasidium pullans on SAB -progression of growth at 30oC. Most sources state that Aureobasidium pullans is a rapid grower. The colony may mature fairly rapidly but expansion of the colony is more moderate. (Nikon)
Microscopic Morphology:
Young colonies appear yeast-like, consisting of
unicellular, budding cells. As the
colony ages, two types of vegetative hyphae (3 – 12 µm dia.) appear to be produced. The first are described as thin walled, hyaline
(clear) hyphae which produce
blastoconidia (also hyaline)
synchronously in tufts (ie. simultaneously, from poorly differentiated
conidiogenous cells along the length.)
Blastoconidia (3 – 6 X 6 – 12 µm) are described as oval
to ellipsoidal but can vary in size and shape
The second type of hyphae appears to have a thicker wall
and is dematiaceous (darkly pigmented) which develop into brown coloured
arthroconidia and chlamydoconidia. Sources seem to be unclear as to whether
these two hyphal forms are truly different or simply different stages of
development. I found that both forms
appear to be present as the colony matured.
Sources also state that endoconidia may be present within
intercalary cells but were not observed in the isolate presented here. Perhaps the development of endoconidia is
media dependent.
Two techniques seem to be necessary to best view the structures of Aureobasidium pullans. I found that just using the adhesive tape technique or the slide culture technique to view the structures, failed to capture where the blastoconidia were being produced. The microscopic fields were abundantly full of blastoconidia, however they were all free and how they originated was not at all obvious. The Dalmau plate method, described below was also used. I used this technique on a previous post to view various Trichosporon species.
The Dalmau plate method can be employed to view the blastoconidia 'in-situ'. What is shown below is a Corn Meal Agar (CMA) plate inoculated with Aureobasidium by simply scratching it into the surface and then covering it with a coverslip. The coverslip simply aids in focusing and prevents the objective to be contaminated by inadvertently lowering it into the inoculated agar. After appropriate incubation, the petrie dish can be placed on a microscope stage (remove plate lid & stage slide holder) and viewed under low power. The hyphae growing out from the center of inoculation are virtually undisturbed and should now show the blastoconidia growing synchronously in tufts from poorly differentiated
conidiogenous cells along the length, as already described in the previous paragraph.
Aureobasidium pullans on CMA after 72 hours incubation at
30oC. (Nikon)
Here is the technique described above, which I used for the next five photographs. Fungi, primarily being aerobic organisms can be seen growing out from the coverslip where the oxygen tension is lower. As the colony expands on this less nutritious Corn Meal Agar plate, the blastoconida can be seen having been produced in tufts along the length of the hyphae. When focusing the low power objective (100X or 250X) on the edge of the growth, the inserted photo is what appears (purple arrow). The following 4 photos were taken from this plate.
Aureobasidium pullans on CMA -hyaline hyphae bearing blastoconidia growing out from central inoculation point. (100X, Nikon)
Aureobasidium pullans on CMA -at slightly higher magnification, the somewhat oval blastoconidia are evident. (250X,
Aureobasidium pullans on CMA -at still higher magnification, the somewhat oval blastoconidia are seen growing singly and in tufts along the length of the septate, hyaline hypha.
(400X, Nikon)
Aureobasidium pullans on CMA -after additional incubation (~1 week), tufts of blastoconidia can be seen along the length of the hypha.
(250X, Nikon)
The following photos are taken from slide cultures of Aureobasidium pullans after the stated incubation times. The adhesive tape techique can be used but as the fungus has a yeast-like texture, pressure may just "squash" the structures rather than preserve them by adhering to the tape.
Aureobasidium pullans - I just found this to be a cute photo. A small piece of agar adhered to the glass cover slip when removed. Hyphae can be seen growing out from the dematiaceous center
Aureobasidium pullans -the growth at the edge of a slide culture adhering to the cover slip. A mass of blue stained blastoconidia can be seen from which the hyphae are extending towards the top of the photo. Some hyphae are already becoming darkly pigmented.
(250X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans -at higher magnification, a large mass of blue stained yeast-like cells are seen in the upper portion of the photograph. Sources speak of "yeast-like cells" and "blastoconidia" but fail to clarify if these are in fact, the same. I fail to see distinctions that would make these different.
Also seen in this photograph is a hyaline, septate hypha which already appears to be developing into arthroconidia at the far left end. (400X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans - As above, hyphae being produced and reaching out from central mass of yeast-like cells. A few dematiaceous (darkly pigmented) hyphae also are present towards center-right of the photo. (400X, LPCB,
Aureobasidium pullans - as above.
(400X, LPCB, DMD-08)
Aureobasidium pullans - again, as with the previous descriptions but here at the top of the screen there appears to be two type of 'single' cells, with the smaller lighter blue as the yeast-like cells and the darker, larger and somewhat oval cells still clinging to the hyphae being the blastoconidia.
(400X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans - hyphae breaking up into individual arthrospores.
Aureobasidium pullans - indivdual conidia remain at the bottom of the photograph while hyphae are becoming darkly pigmented. Development of arthroconidia and chlamydoconidia is evident along the hyphae. (400X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans - the organism appears to take on some bizarre shapes with the darkly pigmented chlamydoconidia and more box-car shaped arthroconidia now developing at about 72 hours if incubation.
(400X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans - loose oval-shaped blastoconidia with dematiaceous hyphae and formation of chlamydoconidia
(400X, LPCB. DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans - blue stained blastoconidia with dematiaceous chains of chlamydoconidia and arthroconidia.
Aureobasidium pullans - ditto
(400X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans - Individual dematiaceous chlamydoconidia and blue-stained, hyaline hyphae extending out towards right side of photo. Individual blastoconidia seen scattered throughout.
(400X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans
(1000X, LPCB, DMD-108)
- Free blastoconidia
- Dematiaceous, boxcar-shaped, arthroconidia
- Dematiaceous, round, intercalary chlamydoconidia
- Hyaline hyphae developing as arthroconidia
Aureobasidium pullans - a few photos as described above.
Aureobasidium pullans - As above
(1000X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans - As above
(1000X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans - As above
(1000X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans - As above
(1000+10X, LPCB,
Aureobasidium pullans - okay, only a few more photos. Here, the terminal chlamydoconidia appears to be germinating (arrow), releasing new growth of hyaline cells (hypha). A few blue-stained blastoconidia remain. This is from a slide culture after 4 days of incubation.
(1000X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Aureobasidium pullans - Hyaline hyphae stained blue showing some internal structure or inclusions. Endoconidia, (conidia found within intercalary hyphal cells) do not seem to be present.
(400+10X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Some sources describe the presence of intercalary endoconidia being produced within the hypha by Aureobasidium pullans. I did not find evidence of these on the isolate presented here. Perhaps the production is media related or perhaps strain dependant.
Aureobasidium pullans - Again, hyaline hypha stained blue showing some internal structure or inclusions. These do not appear to be endoconidia.
Aureobasidium pullans
(1000X, LPCB, DMD-108)
Grows best at about 25o C and may be
inhibited at 35oC.
Tolerates up to 10% NaCl
Is inhibited by cycloheximide
Urea Positive
Nitrate Positive
Blastoconidia formation may best be visualized using the Dalmau plate method
as for demonstrating chlamydoconidia in Candida
A.pullans may
most frequently be confused with Hormonema
dematiodes and possibly Wangiella
(Exophiala) dermatiditis or Hortaea
werneckii when young and yeast-like.
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